First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2011 Copyright © 2011 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author. The names of dedicated publications are normally given in italics. Oil Copyright © 2011 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. A major practical downside to Jupiter in Cetus stays with the rise of oil prices. Whoever speculates with oil, people and religion must have calculated one's own gains well this time. As Jupiter sinks into Cetus, so do oil reserves. In one sense, everything was “right”. The developed wold merrily armed and dealt with the petty tyrants who supplied oil. Now, all of the sudden, there is no oil, no work and no organization at all; only mess. Of course, oil is still under the surface, but the wells are left unattended for the time being. Another trend seems alarming within the oil-rich countries: sabotaging oil wells and refineries for some occult unreason could become more than local hobby. Thus, Cetus is not only about oil spill: it is about oil crisis. No religious problems at all between Iran and India as the cradle of the Vedas has no problem importing Iran's oil. Whatever has been cut are minor shipments of war aircraft from friendly EU to one or two of the familiar tyrants. As crude oil climbs past $102 on March 3rd 2011, we expect panic in days. In a week's time, the face of the world may change. Whoever said that this world will never change at all. Conspiracy? All that 2012 hype, the entrance of Uranus into Cetus, Pluto at the galactic rim and all that spontaneous uprising. Yes, it smells like a well-orchestrated conspiracy. Dajjal? Let us be practical: oil is money. For now. Let us be practical as oil is money. But that does not exempt us from biblical quotes. There are many things unresolved as concern faith on this planet. Officially, Our Lord Jesus Christ is the only channel to Salvation. The Hebrews quotes it. Yes, there are also pro-Christian Jews on this planet, thanks God; as well as people ready to forgive the Jews: after all, a major world religion sits on their back. But much as the various churches do not agree among themselves, the less does Vedic faith or that offspring of the Jewish one, Islam. You are yourself. You are not somebody else. You are your own best horoscope. The best horoscope is you. A single place for your horoscope: you. The best place for your horoscope is within you. The best horoscope for you is your own. You are not somebody else. You are not an imaginary existence. Your life is not a simple chord as strummed upon by any passerby. Your life is not choked by Procrustean models. The best way to start changing futurity is to be informed. You don't want to serve as horoscope for another. You don't want to be somebody else's horoscope for life. You are not the horoscope of someone that never was. 16:22 16:22 stands for the 16 ascendants and 22 zodiacal stations. 16 ? There are sweet little 16 ascendants rising at east. 22 ? 22 is the total number of the zodiacal constellations of the New Zodiac. 22:16 Tarot fans can easily remember the number of zodiacal constellations, since 22 coincides with the number of the major arcana of the Tarot. Conversely, geomantic 16 is applicable to the court cards of the Tarot. Klaudio Zic The Academic Zodiac & RTRRT are Copyright © 1981 - 2011 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved worldwide. Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright Law. This copyrighted material has been previously published as available from NASA JPL ephemeris strip for the winter Sun. 2011-Oct-25 00:00 Vir 2011-Oct-28 00:00 Vir 2011-Oct-31 00:00 Vir 2011-Nov-03 00:00 Lib 2011-Nov-06 00:00 Lib 2011-Nov-09 00:00 Lib 2011-Nov-12 00:00 Lib 2011-Nov-15 00:00 Lib 2011-Nov-18 00:00 Lib 2011-Nov-21 00:00 Lib 2011-Nov-24 00:00 Sco 2011-Nov-27 00:00 Sco 2011-Nov-30 00:00 Sco 2011-Dec-03 00:00 Oph 2011-Dec-06 00:00 Oph 2011-Dec-09 00:00 Oph 2011-Dec-12 00:00 Oph 2011-Dec-15 00:00 Oph 2011-Dec-18 00:00 Oph 2011-Dec-21 00:00 Sgr 2011-Dec-24 00:00 Sgr 2011-Dec-27 00:00 Sgr So that your planets can learn their place. Text-able and tweet-able info as follows: New Zodiac ~ New Natal Ascendant 16 ascendants 22 zodiacal stations 5000 publications #Zodiac 13 signs? No!> #22 zodiacal signs | 12 #ascendants? No!> #16 ascendants #fb #astrology #horoscope #tarot