Be the transit you want in the world now! Bad transits are the matter of the past. Change your horoscope for the best! Materialize whatever you wish for in minutes with the Real Time Reality Rendering Tools. First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2010, Copyright © 2010 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author. The names of dedicated publications are normally given in italics. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN From Coruscant to Naboo, this horoscope is for you Copyright © 2010 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. WW3 One could find most peculiar in an occasion that the oil platforms apparently adopted blowing up as routine the year ahead. Could serial oil spill be connected with Islamic expansion? While Mercury in Sextans may be just one of the all too obvious factors in offering timing and clues in minute prediction of the current catastrophic events, the primary catastrophe schedule is dictated by the ventral fauna of Hydra, the nether ascendant of our financial times. The outer guardians, 2002 AW197 “Tekton” and Orcus are some of the resident factors of the present world crisis, read: end of the world. Their presence in Sextans and Hydra is used to easily predict stock exchange crash dates, such as in May this year. Adaxial to Sextans and Leo, the faintest reptilian constellation dictates the zodiac of the Antichrist since year 2007, while Uranus cuts our civilization from Cetus in the year 2012, much as venter Eris tore the WTC down on 9-11. But it seems that we are getting most eager to help whatever forces are against us as civilization and humankind at large, already by November this year when WW3 was predicted with Moon in Corvus. Among all the troubles that we are ready to produce while not even asking for another second chance, the discrete beginning of WW3 is apparently the least we can do to wave to each other. MERCURY IN SEXTANS The events towards 9-11 this year are as engulfing as absorbing with vintage novelties. We knew that thing will eventually blow up. We even know when. We knew that things will go that way. We just wanted to see whether we could blow up towards another major global destruction all by ourselves. Apparently, we are succeeding. As largely predicted within our Oil Spill & Ground Zero Mosque Astrology series, towards 9-11 this year, we have an escalation in Islamic contamination, apart from the now already periodical explosions within the British Oil Gulf. ÆON OF CETUS The Queen wages war on any Gulf she pleases. The Islamic build a mosque wherever they fancy. The drooped right wing collects Islamic along with gay votes. Wormwood appears in the lull of Poseidon. The whales are being massacred. The dolphins suffer slaughter. Uranus is in Cetus. The nuclear submarines are ready. Moscow is on fire. ARA Build it in my own backyard. Make it tall. Provide free study and lodgings for them assassins. Who of them is after you while you are after one of them? Let democracy destroy the religious fundaments of our own religion. Let demoncracy destroy democracy. Follow this series of article on news:// Klaudio Zic The Academic Zodiac & RTRRT are Copyright © 1981 - 2010 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved worldwide. Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright Law. This copyrighted material has been previously published as available from