Stuff I am working on
GauzeSoft games

Something I started working on over Xmas 2016, this is all I have so far.
Based on a 2600 game.
Update Jan 19 2018
Changed game name to non-Copyright infringing. Added intro splash screen w/ sound, some minor code changes.
Beta Bin
Update, June 1, '17

First Beta, feature complete but things might/will change with gameplay and other stuff. CLICK HERE
Playable but unfun, unpolished alpha version. Has enemies, scoring, and the game can end, and not much else!
Spudster's Revenge

Finally released in March 2017!! First 14 copies with color cover, printed label
and clamshell case. Only available as trade to developers.
Molly and Spud return in this adaptation of the most controversial
Atari 2600 title ever: Custer's Revenge.
(I do not condone the content of this game)
You can order it here: GauzeSoft Shop
The Freeware version without Easter Eggs is available here
Posers Must Die! -or- Spike's Slam Pit

ABANDONWARE! Not worked on since 2002 or so.
Spike is the oldest, toughest punk in town and he's ready to do what it
takes to clean up the scene! (Hey, I had to make something up)
Pre-Alpha binary: reactor.bin
first page update in 12 years, 7 months, 27 days!
Since that time many things have changed, for example the AS09 compiler now runs on linux instead of just DOS.
That renders many of the tools I wrote/offered here to code on Linux using as6809 Frankenstein Assembler obsolete.
One that isn't (I guess) is the port I did of Chris Salomon's Vecsound utility to convert Atari .YM music files to Vectrex ASM. here it is.
Malban's site long time Vectrex programmer and general scene guy, he has for download 2 of his excelent games Release and Karl Quappe (Frogger). If you are interested in development he also makes the VIDE development environment which you can use to make games and other content in Assembly or C.
Packrat Video Games,LLC takes over much of the function of and/or Classic Game Creations sites from past years. Good selection of first and 2nd generation vectrex titles plus brand new published titles. He will also make a cart of any original Vectrex title in a blank cart shell (no label).
Luchs Soft is a German programmer who has done around 10 games, what he is currently selling can be found at the link above.
Belgian based Kristof Tuts is with the release of Vector Pilot, one of the most respected Vectrex homebrew authors ever. Since he first announcing he was going to release a game in 2001 he has released 2 titles, he is a perfectionist with the highest standards and it shows.
Binary Star Software is the work of Scottish programmer Chris Malcolm. He has released a few Christmas themed game carts and NOX/Death Chase which are all currently out of print, but April 2017 promises a new compilation cart with 5 small games, a drawing program and a clock application called Bits N Bytes.
The Definitive Guide to Vectrex Collecting is a site that tries to be as comprehensive as possible to all released vectrex items, and it's almost certainly the best site to look for what exists and what variations of a release exist.
Madtronix is a Swedish publisher and maker of Vectrex hardware including repro Lightpens and 3-D Imagers. Check the "Order" link for available games and items!
Revival Studios
Vector Republic
Good Deal Games
Links to other Vectrex developers
(in Alphabetical Order)
John Dondzila the first '90s Vectrex Devel
Ronen Habot has done a few games: Vecboom, Vecrace and Rounders.
Manu PKP is working on a Boxing game for the Vectrex.
Chris Salomon wrote V-Frogger, which is exactly what it sounds like.
Christopher L. Tumber is the author of Omega Chase Deluxe, Tsunami (Tempest),
VIX (Qix), "Zattle Bone", Missle Lords (original game!) and Spinnerama
(games modified to use the atari 2600 driving controller).
Kristof Tuts has been working on Vector Patrol (Moon Patrol), Vectruss
(Gyruss), Vectarians (Galaxians) and Vectorion (???).
Development Tools
Richard Hutchinson's VECRAM is a RAMcart which allows you to load any
vectrex ROM from any OS on any machine that has a serial port. In
theory anyway.
Mark Shaker sells cart cases, PCBs and EPROMS, everything you
need to make your own cart if you have an EPROM burner.
Last updated Tue Jan 6 13:01:54 EST 2015